Sunday, October 4, 2009

4 - Many more receiving HIV therapy

"BBC NEWS | Health | Many more receiving HIV therapy." BBC NEWS | News Front Page. 30 Sept. 2009. Web. 04 Oct. 2009. .

This article was about how many more people around the world, especially in the poorer countries, have been receiving HIV therapy. The number of individuals receiving treatment is said to have increased 36%, or 1 million people. This jump in the number of people receiving HIV therapy is a direct result of falling prices and increased testing. This is a great progress in the field of HIV treatment and prevention, but unfortunately all is still not good. Though there has been a 36% increase in HIV treatment and testing, less than half of those idviduals who really need it are getting treatment.
Drug prices have fallen 10-40%, and this makes them more affordable for those individuals who were previously unable to afford them. This drop in prices is a result of cooperation between the pharmaceutical companies and the prevalence of generic drugs. Currently there are trying to increase the number of the later of the two. Many are trying to convince the big pharmaceutical drug companies to give them the "recipe" in order to create a exact replica of the drug, but at a cheaper price. This way it would be much more affordable to reach those around the world who are unable to get proper care and treatment.

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